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A Seminar on Bad Laws

On the 25 May the Civilisationists held a seminar on Bad Laws at the RSL Hall . Attendees were greeted with Pies and Pizzas on arrival and coffee and home made biscuits after, drinks were at the modest club prices. Time was made after the formal proceedings for a social chat with like minded people, it was a great evening.

We were fortunate to have two great speakers as usual. The format of the evening was outlined by Dr Marion Hercock, who then introduced Emeritus Professor Gabriel Moens, Australias leading constitutional lawyer who put the subject into modern context, Professor August Zimmermann then made a brief thank you to Professoe Moens.

After a short interval The honourable Julian Grill gave a frightning talk on the powers of the CCC. He listed a number of public servants who wrongly lost their jobs and even a suicide. The CCC has powers unconstrained by the rule of law and as they did to Julian have powers to force entry to a home. The press can find out who is being investigated and people are then tried by media and not by the law, and their reputation can be shattered.